BesteMoneys - Scam or Legit?

At a Glance

Bestemoneys gives you a safe place to invest your money, low returns but stable.

It sure is an ugly site. It looks very amaturish and it's hard to believe that this is a serious investment website that has been making a good return for investors for over a decade!

Online since: 2007-09-25
Minimum Investment: $10
Returns: 0.1-5% per week

Full Review

There are two parts of BesteMoneys. The first part is an online directory of money making sites.

Not always well maintained it is still a pretty useful resource for finding new places to make some extra cash. Use the menu on the left side of the site to browse through the listings.

Then, the IMPORTANT part. The Crypto Profit Plan.

Here is a direct link to the crypto profit plan part of the website.

This is where you can invest some cash. The minimum investment is $10 and the advertised rate is UPTO 5% per week. Most weeks you will see a return of 0.5%-1%.

You must invest for at least 8 weeks. After the 8 weeks are up you can withdraw your investment. There is however a 5% fee when you withdraw. It is highly recommended that you consider this a long term investment and don't withdraw your investment - just withdraw your profit.

So, how do they earn money? Well, quoting from the site itself:
CryptoCoin trading involves buying and selling crypto currencies to profit from price movements. Many CryptoCoins are volatile. On best days price moves in both directions multiple times. 2020 provided a lot of spare time to try out crypto currency trading and learn to trade profitably. Current trading strategy is generating modest profit on most days and minimizes loses during market shifts.

The admin is VERY HONEST and there is NO CHANCE that this is a ponzi. The site has been online and paying for more than 10 years and I have personally been in contact with the admin many times. This is a SAFE place to put your money!


Offers a safe place to invest your money.


Ugly website
Lower returns than many higher risk sites.


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